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About Us

Applications for the Class of 2026 now being accepted Apply now

Committed to Growing Leadership

Leadership Clark County helps individuals develop their personal leadership skills while learning more about the infrastructure and services which support the community. There’s a leader in all of us and participation in LCC’s 9 month leadership develop program is designed to help that lower grow and flourish. 

LCC Students

Our Mission

Build a strong community of leaders through experiences and opportunities that inform, engage and inspire others.

LCC Group

Our Vision

A connected and engaged community.

LCC Students Giving Thumbs UP

Our Values

Community, Leadership, Inclusion and Service.

Our Equity Plan

Create a more diverse and inclusive Leadership Clark County, including developing an LCC that is diverse in people and ideas.

Our strategy

  1. Remove systemic and institutional barriers that may hinder fair treatment and equitable access to the LCC Class.
  2. Commit and promote an inclusive agency culture that respects and values diversity and provides opportunity for all involved to progress the LCC mission.

Our actions

  • Convene a group of diverse LCC alums for facilitated discussion around experiences & how to engage more diverse candidates, use this information in the annual workplans.
  • Create a recruitment (including marketing) plan with specific DEI activities based on stakeholder feedback.
  • All committees are aware of DEI improvement opportunities and incorporate into workplans.
  • Memorialize a commitment to equity within the LCC agency.
  • Include something DEI related in the board room each meeting
  • Review sponsorships and major purchases based on the agency’s commitment to DEI.
  • LCC representatives are present and engaged with diverse key stakeholder meetings
  • Making DEI at the forefront of our three year strategic plan

DEI Initiatives

  • Continue individual education about systematic racism and unconscious bias
  • Recite the LCC DEI pledge at monthly Board of Director meetings
  • Board members share their stories and experiences as it relates to DEI
  • By working together toward diversity and inclusion within LCC and the community, we can cultivate meaningful change for our society.

Our Team

LCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit volunteer led organization, with one paid full-time Executive Director position, its Board of Directors, and over 800 alumni which serve on various committees that support LCC’s 9-month leadership development program. We’d like to see you join the LCC family as well.



LCC accepts applications throughout the year for its 9-month leadership development program. Applications submitted prior to the end of May will be considered for the upcoming class year. Apply online today!

Make a Donation

Every donation you make helps to build a stronger community. Donations support scholarships, sponsor class sessions & activities, and everything in between. Together we can make a difference in the community.